How do you decarbonise your museum?

IATM Webinar, Thursday 27 January 1400 (GMT) / 1500 (CET)

In this first webinar of 2022, we will explore and seek to demystify what decarbonisation means for our museums, with the help of Mott Macdonald, global engineering, management and development consultancy, who made their own organisation carbon neutral in 2020.

Transport and communications museums are important places for public discussion to take place on a sustainable future for our society. It is important that museums are not only lively forums for public information and debate, but are also actively working directly towards environmental sustainability for their own organisations through their supply chain, energy, procurement, working practices etc.

This webinar is designed to scope out how IATM can best support that journey to sustainability for our member museums by demystifying the process, understanding the language of carbon neutral or net zero and by sharing experiences. This is a huge topic but to eat an elephant you need to do it in bite-sized chunks. Our objective is to understand the different perspectives of our museums, and take the fear away by offering suggestions for quick wins and first steps on the journey.

Support and participation from Mott Macdonald:

Mott MacDonald is an employee-owned global engineering, management and development consultancy, and the first consultancy in their class to be certified carbon neutral, globally. 

Mott MacDonald is a partner in London Transport Museum’s Climate Crossroads programme. They will help us understand what decarbonisation is (and other terms like Net Zero), and describe how they became carbon neutral – sharing what they learned, to help you. Their experts will set out what museums need to consider to reduce their carbon, and the positive influence they can have for their visitors, local communities and staff.


Neil Henderson – Neil is a senior director with Mott MacDonald. He has overall responsibility for leading major transport projects such as the Crossrail and leads Mott MacDonald’s decarbonising initiatives for the global transport sector. Neil is also Mott MacDonald’s Key Account Leader for Transport for London (TfL), responsible for bringing the best Mott MacDonald can offer to realise TfL’s goals of being a modern, affordable, accessible and green transport network.

Kim Yates – Kim is a Director-level sustainability and carbon professional with over 25 years’ experience gathered both in the UK and internationally. She has an excellent understanding of sustainability best practice, climate change and carbon issues and actively promotes sustainability, climate change and the net zero agenda. Kim has a proven track-record in developing and implementing international best practice and is an experienced team leader and project director for large complex projects. She researched and developed Mott MacDonald’s innovative Moata Carbon Portal, a digital web-based BIM enabled carbon calculation tool for infrastructure, which is compliant with PAS2080, the forerunners of which were the on-line carbon and cost calculation tools, CapIT and LifeCYCLE. More recently Kim developed and implemented Mott MacDonald’s Global Carbon Neutral strategy and action plan to become Carbon Neutral in 2020 and achieve ISO14064 and PAS2060 certification. In addition, she works with clients to help deliver their Net Zero ambitions by offering best practice.

Katie Chesworth – Katie is a Technical Specialist at Mott MacDonald, and also their Transport Unit’s Sustainability and Climate Change Lead. A Chartered Transport Planning Professional, she has worked across the public and private sectors, in both London and the north of England, and has helped many organisations and projects to become more sustainable. Katie plays a key role in Mott MacDonald’s work to decarbonise the transport sector – for its colleagues, its business, its clients and the communities and environment they work in.