Skillbridge reports
Below you will find reports of completed Skillbridge projects.
7. Transport Museum Dresden and London Transport Museum
6. Heritage Transport Museum (Taoru, Gurgaon, India) and Transport Museum Dresden
The Study of Managerial Aspects at a Transport Museum
The project has been conceived with the aim of study and research upon the functioning of transport museum, with special reference to Verkehrsmuseum (Transport Museum) Dresden.
by Ragini Bhat
5. The Workshops Rail Museum and Swedish Railway Museum
Operating Railway Heritage within a Museum Context
Best practice in railway heritage restoration, maintenance and operation
and its integration within a major museum facility.
by Andrew Moritz
4. Postmuseum Stockholm and Canadian Museum of History
Building Bridges
Exchange ideas and knowledge about stamp collection in terms of conservation, preservation, storage, exhibition, digitalization and education.
by Hanna Nydahl and Lotte Edsbrand
3. New York Transit Museum and London Transport Museum
Oral History Collections
Collaborate with and learn from the London Transport Museum how to collect oral histories and how to utilize them in exhibits and educational programming.
by Polly Desjarlais and Desiree Alden
2. National Railway Museum (York, UK) and Canada Science and Technology Museum
Sustainability of railway museum collections: static & operatational
The object of the project was to discuss a range of issues related to the
long-term preservation and short-term operation of rail equipment. In
particular the challenges of restoring, operating and interpreting rail
technology in an increasingly constrained economy; will be explored.
by Sue Warren
1. Verkehrsmuseum Dresden and the London Transport Museum
The opportunity to look over our colleagues‘ shoulders
A museum pedagogue on a working visit at the London Transport Museum,
3rd to 9th March 2012
by Renate Oertel