39th CONFERENCE 2014

Exchange Platforms – Hands on and Best Practice

15-18 June 2014, Stockholm and Gävle, Sweden

Delegates of the 39th annual conference shown in front of a steam locomotive.

Some of the delegates of the 39th IATM Conference in Stockholm and Gävle, Sweden in front of Swedish Railway Museums’ steam locomotive. Photo by Lennart Lundgren.

IATM members met in Sweden from 15 to 18 June 2014 for the 39th annual conference. They discussed and reflected on a changing museum landscape. Presentations shared insights into conservation work as well as new technological developments within the postal services. The participants also gained an impression of the educational museum work and programmes at the different Swedish host museums.

You can find the complete conference report for download here: (Picture) Report from the 39th IATM Conference (by Mikael Dunker)

Thank you to the Conference Hosts
Royal Armoury, the Royal Palace of Stockholm
Stockholm Transport Museum
Museum of Science and Technology
Swedish Railway Museum