Webinar: Exhibition “Back to Future. Visions of Technology between Fiction and Reality” – Museum of Communication Berlin
The webinar takes you on a journey to yesterday’s visions of future technologies as imagined by pioneering creative minds. The images they invented as illustrations and postcards and in novels and films expressed the hopes, yearnings, fears, and discontents of their particular eras. Their works present fantasy scenes and very concrete ideas – and while some have now become unquestioned realities, others provide a fun insight into past ideas of our present world.
In the four themed rooms Optimising Humankind // Boundless Communication // Conquering Time and Space // In Search of Another World, the exhibition takes an entertaining look at the history of ideas in 16 selected technological visions of communication and mobility.
Curator Katja Weber will guide you through the exhibition together with the director of the Museum of Communication Berlin, Anja Schaluschke. This will be followed by a Q&A session.
Katja Weber curated the exhibition “Back to Future. Visions of Technology between Fiction and Reality” for the Museum Foundation Post and Telecommunication. Using a participatory approach, she develops exhibitions at the interface of society, science, arts and technology. She reflects on the issues of the day from a sociological and cultural studies perspective. Her exhibitions aim to invoke discussions within a broad public. Katja has worked for the Historical Museum Frankfurt, the Senckenberg Natural History Museum Frankfurt and the German Historical Museum Berlin, among others.
Read more about Katja Weber.
Learn more about the Museum of Communication Berlin.