Conference Programme 2016

25 – 28 September 2016, Edinburgh and Glasgow, United Kingdom
Theme: The role of the artefact in 21st century museums

Sunday 25 September, Edinburgh,
National Museum of Scotland (corner Chambers Street/ George IV Bridge)
18:30 20:30 Opening reception
Monday 26 September, Edinburgh,
National Museum of Scotland (entry via Lothian Street)
09:00 09:30 Registration/ coffee
09:30 10:00 Director’s welcome by Gordon Rintoul CBE
10:00 12:00 Session 1: Transport at the National Museums Scotland: Past, Present, Future
Ian Brown, Thilo Bürgel, Louise Innes, Alison Taubmann
15:30 17:30 Session 2: Conservation perspective – Do we or Don’t we run them?
Chris Knapp (Imperial War Museum)
Dave Morris (National Museum of the Royal Navy)
Chris Van Schaardenburgh (BovingtonTank Museum)
Tuesday 27 September, Glasgow
Riverside Museum
10:30 11:00 Welcome by Martin Bellamy
11:00 13:00 Session 3: Collections Accessibility and Digital Options
Aija Bauere (Riga Motor Museums):
New Riga Motor Museum – New Technologies – New Challenges
Bianca Gendreau (Canadian Museum of History):
Making collections accessible, tradition, trend and tyranny
Erin Gregory (Canada Aviation and Space Museum):
Game On: Bringing Artifacts and History to Life in Mobile Apps
14:00 15:00 Session 4: Research and the Collection
Stephen Quick (Canadian War Museum):
Exploring History Through a Life-size Graphic Novel: The Making of Deadly Skies – Air War, 1914–1918
Sam Mullins (London Transport Museum):
Colour Light and Movement
15:30 17:00 Session 5: Operating a Collection – or Not
Joachim Breuninger (Transport Museum Dresden):
Why we do not run our collection!
Walter Hofstetter (SBB Historic):
The Way To a Well Managed Rolling Stock Collection
Dr. Rainer Mertens (DB Museum):
Euphoria machine – past and present of the historical “Adler”-train
19:30 Conference Dinner Hawthornden Court
Wednesday 28 September, Edinburgh,
National Museum of Flight (East Fortune Airfield)
10:30 12:30 Session 6
Paul Kirkman (National Railway Museum York):
Flying Scotsman Restoration – tbc
René Schrøder Christensen (Danish Railway Museum): The material turn and fear of artefacts – exhibits or the experience of riding a train?
Peter Ovenstone (Heritage Railway Association): ABTEM Larger & Working Objects
12:30 13:00 General Assembly
17:00 End of the Conference

Whole Conference Programme
